Acute Inflammation

The Disease

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints associated with bone and cartilage destruction. RA is a severe burden to patients leading to disability, pain, severe impairment of quality of life, and even life threatening conditions resulting in significantly enhanced mortality.

The hyperplastic synovium and infiltrating inflammatory cells produce proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha and destructive enzymes that lead to cartilage destruction and bone erosion.

Arthritis Evaluation Platforms

Mice can be treated either prophylactically -at disease onset- or therapeutically –at established pathology- with protocols standardized for the evaluation of a variety of therapeutics. Disease progress and severity are assessed regularly using validated readouts with standardized procedures.

Read-Out Parameters

In vivo arthritis scoring

Inflammatory cytokine serum levels measurements

Histopathological evaluation of joint sections

Competitive Advantage

Biomedcode’s unique collection of mouse models of arthritis in combination with the standardized evaluation procedures developed over years of experience in the preclinical efficacy evaluation of arthritis therapeutics, offers the opportunity for reliable evaluation of the efficacy of anti-human TNF biologics biosimilars and small molecule inhibitors of pathology related pathways.