
The Disease

Essential to the process of discovering and developing anticancer drugs is the ability to replicate tumor growth, mimic human disease characteristics, and demonstrate the measurable impact of an anticancer drug .

Syngeneic mouse models serve as vital preclinical research tools in immuno-oncology drug discovery. In these models, tumor tissue is sourced from a mouse sharing the same genetic background as the immune-competent recipient mouse.

Cancer Evaluating Platforms

Cancer cell lines can be inoculated subcutaneously into the mice flanks or orthotopically into the respective site of cells’ origin. Drug administration can be performed systemically or locally at the tumor site.

Read-Out Parameters

Tumor Volume

Tumor Weight

Spleen Weight

Body Weight

Serum Tumor cytokines

Histopathological evaluation of Tumor sections and metastatic nodules

Competitive Advantage

Orthotopic implantation of 4T1 breast cancer cells offers a valid animal model for testing the efficacy of oncology drug candidates. Standardization and validation of the model by our experienced scientific personnel provides a reliable preclinical evaluation platform for the efficacy assessment of novel therapeutics.